February 11, 2015


His touch causes a simple shiver sent down my spine to feel like waves crashing and cascading over my body .. His kiss steals the air from lungs leaving me faint and breathless .. His scent derails my train of thought and physically stops me in my tracks .. His warm embrace paralyzes me and melts away every ache pain and negative thought .. His voice no matter the tone captivates my attention and draws me deeper and deeper into him .. His love leaves me hopeful never doubtful of his intentions .. His mind focuses mine when common sense proves to be uncommon .. His being ensures me that he had to be made from the greatest of images for nothing about him shows him to be anything less than amazing .. When i sit and think of what an embodiment of sheer perfection would be the only thing that ever comes to mind is him .. Imperfect as they come but still perfect for me.