July 14, 2013

With Liberty And Justice For All? .. Nah.

Welcome to America. Here we preach about holding certain morals and values dear, but only when its convenient. Here all men are created equal. LOL, just kidding. If you're a different skin color, ethnicity, gender, or religion, you are in NO WAY equal. Here in America, we let you vote but your votes don't really count. Why? Because we, your government know what is better for you than you do. We'll charge you an arm and both legs for healthcare that may or may not cover all your ailments and needs. We'll let you go to school, but only if you let us drown you in student loan debt. We are the land of the "free to disregard the law" and the home of the "brave enough to lie about such disregard blatantly". You are at no time safe and neither are your children. We dictate what women can and cannot do to their bodies as well as dictate who can and cannot marry no matter how in love they are or how long they've been together. Animals have more rights and protection than most of our human population. So welcome. Come on in. Don't try to better yourself here though. We don't like it. Unless you're an Anglo male. Then by all means; BE GREAT.


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