December 12, 2013

What If

What if i never met him? How different would things be for me?
What if i never hurt the person who meant more than anything just trying to see if something else would make me happy?
What if i never gave in? Never fell for the handsome stranger?
Would my life have been better or would it have been filled with the same danger?
What if i was patient and let you love me the way you knew? 
Would there have been an us? Would it still be me and you? 
What if i gave you the chance to heal and become the man i saw you could be? Would things have worked out for us or would you go searching for someone better than me?
What if we never changed? What if we never fell apart? Would i still be the one you held close to your heart? 
Or would i still be someone you only saw as your best friend? That you'd never end up with, but would be there for until the end.
6 months later, in my head, so many "What If" questions dance. But the only one that matter is, what if we gave it another chance?


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